Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Alex Boye - Oshe' (Thankyou)

Alex Boye - Oshe' (Thankyou) If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other new should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Beautiful Heartbreak - Hilary Weeks - Every Step

Beautiful Heartbreak - Hilary Weeks - Every Step If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other new should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News.

Enduring Love

Enduring Love If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other new should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News.

Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (ft. guest artist, Alex Boye) - ThePianoGuys

Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (ft. guest artist, Alex Boye) - ThePianoGuys If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other new should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Natural healing, your brain is a natural pharmacy

Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life (full version) Timeless wisdom resides in this audio... USE IT! IT WORKS! We become what we think about

What is Truth? President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

What is Truth? President Dieter F. Uchtdorf President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks at a CES devotional on January 13, 2013.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Affirmations

I am now living the life of my dreams.I am now creating total financial success in an easy relaxed manner in a positive and healthy way. Life is fun. Life is simple. I love myself. Everyday in every way I get better and better. Today is the best day of my life. I am grateful I am thankful. I know that I am a child of God and that he is aware of my every need and that he takes care of me every moment of every day. I am confident. I am the world's number 1 sell person with the lifetime guarantee self confidence self assured I am sold on me. I am in the right place at the right time with the right people being offered the best opportunities.